Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Church Family Update 070313

 The next session of the “Foundations” membership class begins
July 21.  If you are a new member, a potential new member,
or just want a refresher on what we believe, please sign up
at the Ministry Center.  The class meets at 9: 30 am
in room 204.

Coffee Shop
Special Needs
¨Clean-up (Sun. 10: 50 – 11: 05 am)
¨Pick-up (Sat. 10: 30 pm)
Contact: Glinda Cameron  407-922-0242;
If you have a heart for children with special needs, be a “Special Needs Buddy” one Sunday per month. 
Contact: Patti Peters
Summer help needed!
¨Preschool classroom helper. Contact: Kara Hardin or
Sherry Misch
¨Nursery helper.  Contact:


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