Monday, March 10, 2014

Church Family Update 03.11.2014

PLAN YOUR WEEK (March 12 - 18)

WEDNESDAY (March 12)
9:30am    Concert of Prayer (room 142)
10:00am  Adult class  
5:30pm    Family meal (must have signed-up by Monday)
6:00pm    Adult activities/classes
6:20pm    Kids’ Choir
6:30pm    Youth Small Groups
7:00pm    Adult and children’s classes

THURSDAY (March 13)
8:30am    “Young at Heart” leave for Lake Aurora
9:30am    MOPS (at church)

FRIDAY (March 14)
6:30pm    Celebrate Recovery (at church)

TUESDAY (March 18)
Photography sessions for pictorial directory          

Future Events

March 18-22  Photography sessions for pictorial directory
March 22       “Imagine” luncheon at JUFL
March 27       Spring break – no Wednesday activities
April 11          IGNITE  (youth)
April 17          “Young at Heart” lunch
April 18, 19    Women’s retreat at LACC
April 19          Easter egg hunt
April 25, 26    Photography sessions for pictorial directory
April 27          Parent Dedication Sunday 


  1. How can I obtain information for the Women's retreat?

    1. Check with the camp:
