Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Midweek Informer

2015 Wednesday Fall Electives
Wednesday classes begin Sept. 9.  Please sign up at the Connect Counter.

 “The Story” From Genesis to Revelation-Leader: Jim Book - 10:00 am & 7:00 PM
“The Story” will help both the new and seasoned readers of the scriptures understand the Bible’s characters and events in greater detail.

The Legacy Journey by Dave Ramsey (6 weeks)-Leader: Tony & Connie Hamp – 6:30 pm
This study takes you deep into God’s Word, revealing His perspective on wealth, your personal and family legacy, and how He wants you to further His kingdom work around the world.
*Class is $120 for materials and membership

Choir - Leader: Tony Cason - 6:45 pm

Bible Study in Spanish - Leader: Hector Nin – 7:00 pm
Un estudio bíblico sobre el libro de Hebreos.

The Coming of Christ – Leader: Tom Martinez7:00 pm
This class will help you learn what the Bible says about the coming of Christ.

Breaking Up With Perfect (Ladies Bible Study) - Leader: Diane Lytle – 7:00PM
Kiss perfection good-bye and embrace the joy God has in store for you. Experience authenticity as the antidote to isolation.
T.O.P.S. - Taking off Pounds Sensibly– Gail Webster - 5:30 pm
T.O.P.S. focuses on making small, steady lifestyle changes that provide lasting weight loss and better health. A program for real people & real weight loss.

Celebrate Recovery Step Studies for Men – Leader: Covey Wise – 6:30 pm

Celebrate Recovery Step Studies for Women – Leader: Nancy Wise – 6:30 pm

Kids Choir
Kids' Choir is starting back up this Wednesday, September 9 at 6:20 PM in room 110. This year's musical is "Donkey Tales". If you have an elementary schooler who loves to sing, this is the place for them to shine. If you have questions or would like more information, contact Marcia Clevenger (407-935-0820) or Jennifer Holderby (407-319-5881).

Women’s Ministry Brings You Fitness Classes
Every Monday night at 7:00 p.m. and Thursday mornings at 10:00 a.m. our women’s ministry will bring you… women’s fitness classes!!! Come stretch, strengthen and get your sweat on while improving your balance, range of motion, and getting your heart pumping. Enjoy fun, and fellowship all while finding your fit! Cost per 1 hour class will be $5.00. Please bring a mat, water bottle, tennis shoes, and wear flexible (modest) clothing. Classes will be held in the church. Class will be instructed by Heather Woods, CPT.
Are you ready to stop dieting and start making real changes? TOPS can help you reach your weight-loss goals by providing you with the tools, information, support, and accountability you need to be successful. T.O.P.S. focuses on making small, steady lifestyle changes that provide lasting weight loss and better health. Members learn to eat better, move more, and stay motivated through engaged educational programs that our experts prepare and that our volunteers present at weekly meetings. Our members focus on improvement not perfection. Together we recognize and celebrate its member’s victories, big & small. For more information on how T.O.P.S. can help you, join us at our first meeting at First Christian Church of Kissimmee on Wednesday, Sept 9, at 5:30 pm.

 M.O.P.S. (Mothers of Preschoolers)
All mothers of preschoolers (birth to Kindergarten) are invited to our MOPS meeting on Thursday, Sept. 10, 9:30 - 11:30 am, at the church.  Childcare and food are provided.  MOPS International yearly membership is $24.95.  MOPS meets at the church the 2nd Thursday of each month.  Contact Jennifer Holderby MOPS Coordinator, for more information, 407-319-5881.

Men’s Breakfast
The next Men’s Breakfast is Saturday, Sept. 12, at 8:00 am at the church.  Come and enjoy a great breakfast and an opportunity to pray, encourage and fellowship as men who value the role of being a godly man in an often times spiritually depleted culture.  Please sign up sheet is located at the connect counter.

Worship Tech Training Seminars
Anyone interested in joining one of the various tech teams is invited to attend a Worship Tech Training Seminar on Saturday, Sept. 12, at 9:15 am.  All current tech team members are encouraged to attend also.  These seminars will be held monthly in the balcony.  Please contact Dean Parker via email at to RSVP for this class or if you need additional information.

Connections & Confections
To kick-off 2015-16 the Women's Ministry Team invites you to join us for Connections & Confections, a Women's Ministry Fair on, September 14 at 7:00 PM. Bring your favorite dessert and the recipe to share. We welcome desserts from every culture. Visit a variety of ministry booths and learn about the many opportunities available to connect with other women in our church.

Young at Heart Kick-Off Lunch!
The Young At Heart Ministry (55+) are having their Fall kickoff lunch and program. If you are 55 years of age or older this is a great way for you to get connected with other Young At Heart adults. Thursday, Sept. 24th we will have a pitch-in lunch at the church at 11:30 a.m. We are theming the lunch “My Heritage.” Please bring a dish to share that represents where you are from (country, region, state). Sign-up on the counter in front of the nursery if you plan to attend and indicate what you will bring and what heritage it represents. There will be a special program following lunch.   

Women of Faith Sept. 18 & 19
Join other ladies from our church at Women of Faith "Loved: the Farewell Tour", September 18 & 19 at the Amway.  Cost through our church is $85 for lower bowl seating (a huge savings for good seats!).  Stop by the Women's Ministry table in the cafe or see Shannon Hartley, Jennifer Holderby or Patti Peters to purchase tickets.  We will also be carpooling to the event. To see the full itinerary and list of speakers visit

Child Care Volunteers Needed
Celebrate Recovery Ministry is looking for responsible child care volunteers. If you like to work with children, then this is the perfect opportunity for you! For more information pleases contact the church office at: 407-847-2543.
Picnic 2014 b&w                                           
El Boletín Informativo de la Iglesia
Ministerio de Mujeres Patrocinan
Clases para Mejorar su Estado Físico
 El ministerio de mujeres ofrecerá clases de ejercicio para mejorar su estado físico!!!  El horario de clases sera: los lunes a las 7:00 pm (empezando 8/31) y los jueves a las 10:00 am (empezando 9/3) en la iglesia. Venga a estirarse, a mejorar su equilibrio mientras mejoran su balance y rango de movimiento. Divertanse y disfruten del compañerismo con sus hermanas cristianas.Las clases durarán una hora y el costo por clase será $5.00. Por favor traiga una estera, botella de agua, zapatos tenis y ropa flexible(y modesta). La clase será instruida por la hermana Heather Woods, CPT (Entrenadora Personal Certificada).

¿Están listos para dejar de hacer dieta y comenzar a hacer verdaderos cambios? T.O.P.S.  le puede ayudar alcanzar sus objetivos de pérdida y peso proveyéndole las herramientas, información y apoyo necesitado para alcanzar su éxito. T.O.P.S. se centra en hacer cambios de estilo de vida pequeños y constante que proporcionan salud y pérdida de peso duradera. Miembros aprenden a comer mejor, moverse más y mantenerse motivados a través de programas educativos que preparan nuestros expertos y que nuestros voluntarios presentan en reuniones semanales. Nuestros miembros centrarse en mejorar no la perfección. Juntos reconocemos y celebramos las victorias de nuestros miembros, grandes & pequeñas. Para obtener más información acerca de cómo T. O. P. S. le puede ayudar, únete a nosotros en nuestro  primera reuniónen en la Primera Iglesia Cristiana de Kissimmee miércoles, 9 de sept, a las 5:30 pm.
“Conexiones y Confección”
Para lanzar el año 2015-16 el equipo del Ministerio de Mujeres las invita a unirse a nuestra feria “Conexiones y Confección”,  el lunes, 14 de septiembre a 7:00 pm. Traiga su postre favorito para compartir y la receta tambien. Postres típicos de todas las culturas serán recibidos con mucha alegría. Visiten una variedad de kioscos con información sobre varios ministerios y discruba la muchas oportunidades disponibles para conectarse con otras mujeres en nuestra iglesia. 

Reclutación de Voluntarios de Cuido de Niños
El Ministerio Celebremos la Recuperación está buscando voluntarios responsables para cuidar niños los viernes. ¡Si le gusta trabajar con niños, entonces esta es la oportunidad perfecta para usted! Para obtener más información póngase en contacto con la oficina de la iglesia al 407-847-2543.

Clases Electivas de Otoño del 2015
Las clases comienzan el miércoles 9 de Sept.
Por favor inscríbase en el vestíbulo de la iglesia

“The Story” From Genesis to Revelation-Leader: Jim Book - 10:00 am – 7:00 PM
“The Story” will help both the new and seasoned readers of the scriptures understand the Bible’s characters and events in greater detail.

The Legacy Journey by Dave Ramsey (6 weeks)-Leader: Tony & Connie Hamp – 6:30 pm
This study takes you deep into God’s Word, revealing His perspective on wealth, your personal and family legacy, and how He wants you to further His kingdom work around the world.
*Class is $120 for materials and membership

Choir - Leader: Tony Cason 6:45 pm

Estudio Biblico en Español - Leader: Hector Nin – 7:00 pm
Un estudio bíblico sobre el libro de Hebreos.

The Coming of Christ – Leader: Tom Martinez7:00 pm
The class will help you learn what the Bible says about the coming of Christ.

Breaking Up With Perfect (Ladies Bible Study) - Leader: Diane Lytle – 7:00PM
Kiss perfection good-bye and Embrace the Joy God has in store for you. Experience authenticity as the antidote to isolation.

T.O.P.S. - Taking off Pounds Sensibly– Gail Webster - 5:30 pm
T.O.P.S. se concentra en hacer cambios de estilo de vida pequeños y constant, que proporcionan salud y pérdida de peso duradera. Un programa para gente real y la pérdida de peso real.

Celebrate Recovery Step Studies for Men – Leader: Covey Wise – 6:30 pm

Celebrate Recovery Step Studies for Women – Leader: Nancy Wise – 6:30 pm

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