Tuesday, September13, at 11:30 am the Young At
Heart Ministry (ages 55+) will meet in the Fellowship Hall for a Pitch-in
Lunch. Please sign up at the Connect
Counter if you plan to attend and indicate the dish you will bring to
share. Additionally, please bring a
small item that is either an antique with special meaning to you or a picture
of special meaning to show and share with the group. We look forward to seeing you there!
Family Meal
Tonight’s menu is: Meatloaf, cheesy potatoes, mixed
veggies, rolls and peanut butter bars. If you’ve already signed up for this week’s meal we will see you tonight
in the Fellowship Hall from 5:30-6:15PM.
If you’d like to register for next week’s meal (Lasagna,
Caesar salad, garlic bread and cherry dump cake) please sign up on Sunday’s
welcome card, or call the church office (407-847-2543) no later than Monday September
12. Please notify us if you
must cancel so we can avoid waste. Cost
is $4 per person, $2 per child under 12 years, (5 yr. old and younger are
free), $15 per family (maximum of 6 per family).
On Sunday KCC is promoting what we hope will be an exciting
Bible Bowl program. Josh and Blythe
Browning are our new coaches. They come
to us with years of experience. Please
stop by the Bible Bowl Table on Sunday for more information.
Fostering our Future
Fostering Our Future is a community-based,
church-led, compassion community designed to solve the Osceola County foster
care problem. The problem is one of capacity, stability, and quality. Fostering
Our Future is a local movement that is equipping churches for effective
ministry to vulnerable children and families in Osceola County’s foster care
system. This ministry was launched in several churches around Osceola
County. To become a part of this ministry or ask questions contact
Heather LoGiacco at KCCFoster@kissimmeechristianchurch.org. Please commit to pray specifically for this need and the
many families who will be led to minister to children through foster care.
the Universe
Rock Student Ministries is taking its high school students to Universal
Studios on September 9 and 10 for Rock
the Universe. RTU is a two day event where thousands of Christians will come
together to enjoy fellowship, performances from some of the hottest names in
Christian music and to ride the rides. The cost of the tickets for the two
nights is $100 and is due THIS Sunday
September 4. For more information, contact James Riggs at james.riggs@kissimmeechristianchurch.org.
of Issachar Breakfast
The Next Men of Issachar Breakfast will take place on Saturday, September
10, 8:00AM here at the church. This is an opportunity for men to gather,
fellowship, building long lasting friendships and connect with God's Word, and
learn how to live it out in a real and relevant way in their daily
lives. The breakfast is also a fantastic opportunity for men to invite
friends, neighbors, relatives and co-workers and introduce them to the
life-saving message of Jesus Christ. Please sign up at the Connect Counter if
you plan on attending.
USO Ride
Tom Martinez is helping lead a group on Saturday, September 10 for
those who are interested in riding with a Police escort through the county and
lunch. USO support is $25 a person and
is for motorcycles only. Tom will be
leaving the 711 gas station on 192 and Poinciana Blvd at 7:45AM. The Police escort ride for the USO
registration is 8:30AM and kickstands up at 10AM until 11:30 and will be
non-stop. If interested please contact
Tom Martinez at Tom.Martinez@kissimmeechristianchurch.org.
Ministry Movie Night
We want to invite you to Leave a Legacy, please plan to join us at our
first event on Tuesday, September 13.
We will be watching “Old Fashioned” at the church at 7PM.
Grades 1-5
October 14 & 15 from 7:00 PM to 8:30 AM
by LEGO bricks, we will focus on how following God's directions will help
us put the pieces together, finish the build, and make something new in our
lives. God can build something AWESOME with our lives if we
let Him!
is due by Wednesday, October 12.
is $10. Registration forms are also located by the Kids’ Registration
Desk or you can register online through the church’s
website. We are also in need of
Adult or HS volunteers to help with chaperoning the lock-in. Please see Jenn
Mehlenbacher or Cassie Pack if you are interested.
Questions? Text/Call Jenn Mehlenbacher
@ 407-705-8375 or email @ jenn.mehlenbacher@kissimmeechristianchurch.org
in the Park
On Sunday, October 16 starting at 5PM Kissimmee
Christian Church will be hosting our Fall Picnic in the Park. The church will be providing hamburgers and
chips. Bring your lawn chair, a friend
or two, and an appetite for our Picnic in the Park. We will offer shuttle bus rides from the
church. This program will take the place
of our evening service.
Volunteers Needed
The tech team is in need of folks to run lighting and video cameras
during our morning services. These require minimal skill but have a big
impact on our church! The many volunteers behind the scenes make the
Kissimmee Christian we love. You can do this! Stop by the tech booth in
the balcony to volunteer or email Dean Parker at praisebass1983@gmail.com.
Women at Rest Ministry
Women At Rest Ministry invites
women from all walks of life to come learn how to trust God in the midst of
their circumstances as we minister to each other, learn who our Father is and how much He loves us so we can
learn to trust Him more deeply, no matter what we're facing. Our circumstances
change but Gods love and faithfulness are constant. Our time together will be
· Learning how to have a more intimate relationship with
· Praying over one another
· Ministering to women who are hurting
· Encouraging and supporting each other with the truth of
God's Word
· Learning how to grow
deeper in their relationship with our King
· Learning how to battle more effectively
through prayer
· Learning how to become empowered by His
grace and rest
us on Sundays at 5:30 pm in the
Fellowship Hall. For more information, contact Heather Tabers, heathertabers@yahoo.com or Shannon
TOPS -Take Off Pounds Sensibly
Are you ready to stop dieting and start making real
changes? TOPS can help you reach your weight-loss goals by providing you with
the tools, information, support, and accountability you need to be successful.
T.O.P.S. focuses on making small, steady lifestyle changes that provide lasting
weight loss and better health. Members learn to eat better, move more, and stay
motivated through engaged educational programs that our experts prepare and
that our volunteers present at weekly meetings. Our members focus on
improvement not perfection. Together we recognize and celebrate our member’s
victories, big & small. Weigh-in starts at 5:30 PM to 5:55
PM, program from 6:00 PM to 6:40 PM. For more information on how
T.O.P.S. can help you, join us every
Celebrate Recovery
Recovery is a recovery ministry that applies the 8 Biblical Recovery Principles
(based on the Beatitudes) with the goal of letting God work His healing power
through us. This allows people to be “changed” spiritually by working through
sound biblical principles. It is open to anyone who experiences pain,
brokenness and needs support and encouragement. At Celebrate Recovery you can
find freedom from hurts, habits, and hang-ups. This freedom creates peace,
serenity, joy and most importantly, a stronger personal relationship with God
and others. Where can you find healing from Hurts, Habits, and
Hang-ups? At Celebrate Recovery every
Friday at 6:30 pm in room 206.
Ready to
Join the Church Family?
"Connecting with Christ" class is
a first stop for all guests and members alike to connect with information that
is key to attendance and beneficial for participation in the family here at
First Christian Kissimmee. Whether you're a long time member, a first
time guest - or any point in between, this class is especially for you.
The class is taught every Sunday morning at 9:30 am,
room 204 upstairs and is a class you'll only take once! You can enjoy the
course and still make the 11:00 am worship
service-all in the same Sunday. Take
advantage of the class and make plans to attend! Sign up by noting your
interest on your attendance card.
El Boletín Informativo de la Iglesia
No Te Pierdas Las
Bendiciones De Servir
A veces, en nuestro
fervor bíblico para enfatizar que la salvación no es por obras, no
somos capaces de apreciar plenamente que hemos sido salvados para hacer
buenas obras (Efesios 2:10). De hecho, Dios te ha colocado en tu
iglesia con el fin de que tú puedas ser edificado, de modo que
puedas trabajar y servirle. Si nos permitimos seguir siendo
sedentarios esto significa que estamos descuidando el mismo propósito de Dios
para nuestra salvación y de otros. Al servir, sigues y te comportas como Jesús
y con eso también lo glorificamos. Si usted está interesado en servir
como líder de una célula, coordinador de voluntarios, equipo de bienvenido
o en cualquier capacidad, por favor, marque el lado reverso de la tarjeta de
asistencia y díganos en que área de servicio le gustaría participar o
contáctese con Pastor Tom Martínez al 407.556.5016 o Tom.Martinez@kissimmeechristianchurch.org.
Mujeres en
Mujeres en Quietud invita a mujeres
de todas las caminatas de vida a aprender a confiar en Dios en medio de sus
circunstancias mientras nos ministramos las unas a las otras aprender
quién es nuestro Padre y cuánto nos ama así podemos aprender a confiar en
Él más profundamente, no importa lo que estemos enfrentando. Nuestras
circunstancias cambian, pero el amor de Dios y su fidelidad son
constantes. Durante nuestro tiempo juntas:
Oraremos las unas por las otras
Aprenderemos a tener una relación más íntima con
Ministraremos a mujeres que están sufriendo
Animaremos y apoyaremos nos las unas a las otras con
la verdad de la Palabra de Dios
Aprenderemos a cultivar una relación más profundo
con nuestro Señor
Aprenderemos a combatir más efectivamente a través
de la oración
Aprenderemos cómo llegar a ser fortalecidas con Su
gracia y quietud
Únase a nosotros los domingos a las 5:30, en Salón de Compañerismo. Para más
información comuníquese con la oficina de la iglesia.
¿Están listos para dejar
de hacer dieta y comenzar a hacer verdaderos cambios? T.O.P.S. le puede ayudar
alcanzar sus objetivos de pérdida y peso proveyéndole las herramientas,
información y apoyo necesitado para alcanzar su éxito. T.O.P.S. se centra en hacer
cambios de estilo de vida pequeños y constante que proporcionan salud y pérdida
de peso duradera. Miembros aprenden a comer mejor, moverse más y mantenerse
motivados a través de programas educativos que preparan nuestros expertos
y que nuestros voluntarios presentan en reuniones semanales. Nuestros miembros
centrarse en mejorar no la perfección. Juntos reconocemos y celebramos las
victorias de nuestros miembros, grandes & pequeñas. Pesaje comienza a las
5:30 p.m. hasta las 5:55 pm y el programa entre las 6:00 pm a 6:40 PM. Para más
información sobre cómo T.O.P.S. le puede ayudar, acompáñenos los miércoles.
Celebramos la Recuperación
Celebramos la Recuperación es un
ministerio de recuperación que aplica los 8 Principios de Recuperación bíblicos
(basado en las Bienaventuranzas) con el
objetivo de dejar que Dios trabaje a través de nosotros con su poder curativo. Esto permite
que la gente sea “cambiada” espiritualmente trabajando a través de principios
bíblicos sanos. Celebramos la Recuperación está abierto a cualquier persona que
experimenta dolor, quebrantamiento y necesita apoyo y ánimo. Celebramos la
Recuperación celebrar puede encontrar libertad de heridas, hábitos y complejos.
Esta libertad crea paz, serenidad, alegría y más importantemente, una relación
personal más fuerte con Dios y otros. ¿Dónde se puede encontrar curación de
heridas, hábitos y complejos? En Celebramos la Recuperación los viernes a las 6:30 pm en la salón 206.
¿Listo Para Unirse a la Familia de la Iglesia?
con Dios” es la clase para visitantes y miembros por igual para conectarse con la
información clave para su asistencia y es un beneficioso para la participación
con la familia de la Primera Iglesia Cristiana de Kissimmee. Si usted ha sido
un miembro por mucho tiempo, visitante por primera vez o cualquier punto en el
medio, esta clase es
especialmente para usted. ¡El curso se
ofrece cada domingo, a las 9:30 am, en el salón 204 y una asistencia
única es todo lo que se requiere! Usted puede disfrutar
del curso y toda vía llegar a tiempo
para el servicio de adoración a las 11:00 am. ¡Aproveche las ventajas de
la clase y a haga planes para asistir! Señale
su interés llenando la tarjeta de asistencia.
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