Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Steam night at KCA
Join us on Thursday, January 18 from 5:30-7:30PM for a fun family night of Science Experiments, Art activities and an art display of KCA student’s work. We will have registration materials for fall 2018-19, fall curriculum and classroom tours.  This event is open to the public!  Please invite your friends!

Volunteers needed for Upward Soccer
If you are interested in volunteering for our Indoor Soccer season of Upward we need your help! Volunteer positions include coaches, assistant coaches, score keepers, referees, and more.  If you are interested in making in impact in the lives of children and teaching them the sport of soccer please speak to Lance Spencer or sign up via our website!

Young at Heart Outing
On Thursday, January 18 we are going to the Colombian Restaurant in Celebration for lunch and then shopping around town after. We will leave from the church at 11:00 a.m. and return by 3:00 p.m. Please make a sign-up for this for Sunday, December 17.

Florida Bible Conference
We are proud to sponsor, once again, the Florida Bible Conference January 23-25.  This event features some of the finest preachers in our brotherhood.  There is no cost to attend.  Please make plans to attend this great event.  We hope to see a lot of KCC family represented.

How to Become a Member Class
Jim would love to have as many of our guests join him for a membership class TONIGHT in the conference room upstairs (Rm. 205).  If you’d like to learn more about our beliefs here at Kissimmee Christian, please plan to come. If you’re interested, please sign up today on your guest card. Child care will be provided.

Upward – Indoor Soccer
Registration is open and will remain open until January 19 for all K-8th graders.  The cost is $65 per student with discounts for each additional student. Practices will be every Tuesday starting in February and games will begin in March. If you want more details, please speak to Lance Spencer, our Athletic Director or email him at upwardsports@kissimmeechristianchurch.

Scholarship in memory of Jennifer Holderby
The Alexander Christian Foundation (ACF) is an organization that raises scholarship money for Bible college students.  Kissimmee Christian Church supports ACF through its Mission giving, and many students from our church have received scholarships from ACF.  Recently, ACF undertook an effort to raise money to fund a scholarship in memory of Jennifer Holderby, who passed away one year ago.  Jennifer was very involved in our children’s ministry, as well as being very involved in Bible Bowl and Lake Aurora Christian Camp.  ACF has raised just over $9,000 of the $20,000 needed to endow the “Jennifer Merkley Holderby Children’s Ministry” scholarship.  If you would like to participate in this effort, please see Mark Durbin of our congregation, or send your check to the Alexander Christian Foundation, 415 N. Main Street, Kissimmee, FL  34744.  

Kid’s Choir Performance
Kids Choir presents "Sing and Stay". The children will be leading worship on Sunday evening, January 28 at 5:30pm and are asking that everyone bring a sweet treat to share following the service in the foyer/fellowship hall. The children have been working on a combination of praise songs and hymns and want you to "sing along" and "stay after" on January 28. Please join us!

Grilling with Vic - Men’s Ministry Event
The Men’s Ministry is having a great event on Saturday, January 20th from 5-8 p.m. at the home of Tim Lytle. This event is called “Grilling with Vic.” Vic Clevenger is a member of KCC and a competitive Pit Master. Come enjoy a great evening of fellowship, eating and learning how to grill and smoke meat like a pro. All men are invited to attend and need to bring $5 to cover the cost of the meat and a side dish to share. Please sign-up in the church foyer if you plan to attend.

Rock Super Bowl Party- Sunday, February 4
Our Super Bowl party will be held at the Lytle’s house this year. Students can arrive between 5:30 and 6pm and be picked up between 9 and 10pm. Each student should bring $5 for pizza and drinks.

IMPACT Weekend- Friday and Saturday, February 9 & 10
This weekend is jam packed with fun, football and fellowship. The cost of the event is $80, which covers housing, gas, food, registration and a jersey. We will stay overnight at the church, so students will need to bring extra clothes, toiletries and bedding.

Spaghetti Dinner, Student & Silent Auction- February 18
Sunday, February 18th from 5 to 7pm in the Ministry Center. The cost: $6 for adults/$3 for children. This event is a fundraiser for Rock Student Ministry and KCA. All proceeds go toward sending our students to a week-long summer camp and to help upgrade technology and fund an elementary playground for the school. This will be a relaxing evening of great food and fellowship. Students will be serving, so you will get a chance to meet them. Tickets will be available for purchase starting Sunday, February 4th. For more information, please contact James Riggs or Sherry Misch. 

Middle School Believe- Fri. and Sat., Feb. 23 & 24
Believe is a high-energy weekend event for junior high students only. It is structured specifically for junior high students and is packed with powerful worship and teaching from God’s word. The students will spend one night with their friends and leaders at the church. The cost of this event is $80 which includes the event, lodging, gas, two meals and a t-shirt if $30 deposit is paid by 1/24/18. Any time after this date, the cost increases $10.

MOPS Friendship Festival
Join us for our first MOPS Friendship Festival on February 24 from 11AM-2PM here at the church! We'll have lots of affordable Family Fun! Food, Bounce Houses, Shopping, Silent Auction, Games and Crafts! More info to follow shortly. Vendor Spaces Available! Some activities and food will have a cost, as this is our Annual Fundraiser for Kissimmee MOPS and MomsNext. Please make plans to attend this event and support one of our many ministries.

Homeward Bound Ministry
The purpose of this ministry is to keep in contact with those in our church family who are either home-bound or unable to worship with us on a consistent basis. These people are still very much a part of our church family and we want to make sure they do not feel forgotten. If you are interested in volunteering with this ministry, please speak to Jim Book.

What’s Next Conference
Saturday, January 20, 2018 -  Renowned authors, speakers, motivators, and ministers, Dr. James Estep, Dr. David Roadcup, and Dr. Gary Johnson, bring their newest program to the campus of Johnson University.  Be among the first to gain valuable insight into how your thinking can help your congregation keep moving forward.   Doors open at 8am. Snacks and a hot, hearty lunch, including grilled ribs and chicken are also included in your $30 registration fee.

Connect Parking Ministry
The "Connect Parking Team" works hard to ensure each guest has a safe space to park, feels welcomed, and anticipates a positive worship experience. Make a commitment to join the growing Connect Ministry Parking Team today by contacting Pastor Roland Howard or our church office or signing up at the Connect Counter.

Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a faith based ministry for life's hurts, habits and hang up that steal our joy.  We meet at Kissimmee Christian Church every Friday night at 6:30 pm.  Come and find a place where truth meets grace and develop a deeper relationship with our Lord and Savior.  

Help Kissimmee Christian Academy!
Kissimmee Christian Academy is collecting Box Tops for Education to help our school purchase items that are needed—each one collected is worth 10 cents!  Please save and bring these to church to put in our collection box, we appreciate your help!

Tech Volunteers Needed
The tech team is in need of folks to run lighting and video cameras during our morning services.  These require minimal skill but have a big impact on our church!  The many volunteers behind the scenes make the Kissimmee Christian we love.  You can do this! Stop by the tech booth in the balcony to volunteer or email Dean Parker at

TOPS – Take Off Pounds Sensibly
TOPS Club, Inc. is a nonprofit weight-loss support organization with a network of thousands of local chapters across the United States and Canada. TOPS® doesn't pay celebrities to endorse us, and we don't promise quick fixes or promote unrealistic images of the "perfect" body. TOPS® focuses on making small, steady lifestyle changes that provide lasting weight loss and better health. That's what we mean by "Real People. Real Weight Loss." 

Your first visit to any chapter is free.  Each chapter is a little different, so we recommend you try more than one to get the best fit for you. If you like it, TOPS® membership costs $32 per year in the U.S., plus nominal chapter dues, which average $5 per month.

Chapter FL 0868 Kissimmee meets Wednesday evenings at Kissimmee Christian Church, 415 N. Main St. Kissimmee, FL 34743.  Weigh-in between 5:15 PM to 5:45 PM, followed by a short educational, informational & motivational meeting from 5:50 PM to 6:20 PM.  We’re a friendly group of men and women with the same goal – to lead a healthy lifestyle.  Come check us out!  Call 407-847-2543 for more information.  Remember, your first visit is free, so what do you have to lose?

Follow us for updates!
Facebook: Kissimmee Christian
Twitter: @kissimmee_cc
Instagram: kissimmeechristianchurch

El Boletín Informativo de la Iglesia

Celebrando la Recuperación
Te invitamos a venir y compartir del poder de sanidad de Dios todos los Viernes a las 6:30 pm.  Encontrarás que eres bienvenido(a) por otras personas que cada semana vienen a recuperarse de sus dolores, hábitos y complejos. La Iglesia Kissimmee Christian Church se alegra de anunciar el inicio de Lugar de Celebración para Niños desde 5to grado y Lugar de Mini Celebración para las edades de 3 y 4 añitos. El Lugar de Ce-lebración  ayuda e inspira a los niños con esperanza y gozo a través de actividades divertidas y aprendiendo a descansar en Jesús. Por favor ven temprano para que tengas suficiente tiempo de llevar a tu niño a su clase y de subir para el tiempo de Adoración que brinda Celebrar la Recuperación, que comienza a las 6:30 pm. 

Estudios de Pasos a Seguir para Celebrar la Recuperacion
Celebrando la Recuperación es un ministerio donde aplicas los 8 principios bíblicos basados en las beatitudes, permitiendo que el Señor trabaje en nosotros proveyendo Su poder de sanidad. Este studio ayudará a las personas a cambiar espiritualmente trabajando con principios bíblicos. Si estás interesado en trabajar en tus heridas, hábitos y complejos, favor de firmar en la mesa de conección  para unirte a este nuevo grupo de studio. Las clases comenzarán el domingo 5 de Febrero.  Libros 1 al 4. Damas comienzan a las 9:30 en la oficina de Jim y los caballeros a las 11:00 am en el cuarto   205.

¿No Te Pierdas Las Bendiciones De Servir
A veces, en nuestro fervor bíblico para enfatizar que la salvación no es por obras, no somos capaces de apreciar plenamente que hemos sido salvados para hacer buenas obras (Efesios 2:10). De hecho, Dios te ha colocado en tu iglesia con el fin de que tú puedas ser edificado, de modo que puedas trabajar y servirle. Si nos permitimos seguir siendo sedentarios esto significa que estamos descuidando el mismo propósito de Dios para nuestra salvación y de otros. Al servir, sigues y te comportas como Jesús y con eso también lo glorificamos. Si usted está interesado en servir como líder de una célula, coordinador de voluntarios, equipo de bienvenido o en cualquier capacidad, por favor, marque el lado reverso de la tarjeta de asistencia y díganos en que área de servicio le gustaría participar o contáctese con Pastor Tom Martínez al 407.556.5016 o

Mujeres en Quietud
Mujeres en Quietud invita a mujeres de todas las caminatas de vida a aprender a confiar en Dios en medio de sus circunstancias mientras nos ministramos las unas a las otras aprender quién es nuestro Padre y cuánto nos ama así podemos aprender a confiar en Él más profundamente, no importa lo que estemos enfrentando. Nuestras circunstancias cambian, pero el amor de Dios y su fidelidad son constantes. Durante nuestro tiempo juntas:
·       Oraremos las unas por las otras 
·       Aprenderemos a tener una relación más íntima con Dios
·       Ministraremos a mujeres que están sufriendo
·       Animaremos y apoyaremos nos las unas a las otras con la verdad de la Palabra de Dios
·       Aprenderemos a cultivar una relación más profundo con nuestro Señor
·       Aprenderemos a combatir más efectivamente a través de la oración
·       Aprenderemos cómo llegar a ser fortalecidas con Su gracia y quietud
Únase a nosotros los domingos a las 5:30, en Salón de Compañerismo. Para más información comuníquese con la oficina de la iglesia.

¿Están listos para dejar de hacer dieta y comenzar a hacer verdaderos cambios? T.O.P.S. le puede ayudar a lograr sus objetivos de pérdida de peso proveyéndole las herramientas, información y apoyo necesitado para alcanzar éxito. T.O.P.S. se centra en hacer cambios de estilo de vida pequeños y constantes, étos proporcionan salud y pérdida de peso duradera. Miembros aprenden a comer mejor, moverse más y mantenerse motivados a través de los programas educativos que preparan nuestros expertos y que nuestros voluntarios presentan en reuniones semanales. Nuestros miembros no buscan perfección sino mejorar con hábitos saludables. Juntos reconocemos y celebramos las victorias de nuestros miembros, grandes y pequeñas. De 5:30 pm a 5:55 pm comenzaremos a pesarnos en la balanza y el programa dura de 6:00 pm a 6:40 pm. Para más información sobre cómo T.O.P.S. le puede ayudar, acompáñenos los miércoles.

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